Swimming In My Head…

diving in the deep end…

This One’s Gonna Be a ‘Doosey’

It has been a hot minute since I’ve written in my beloved blog and I’ve missed it.  Before I go any further…WTF, Gbu2, Brian, Sideon and Sammy – thank you for the emails and concern.  I’ve missed you guys too!

As Patsy said in AbFab ~ “I’m fine I’m just here with a sick friend” (internal laughter)

The reality is I’ve been absolutely consumed with a business retool/refocus and we’ve actually got some decent clients that require a good part of my time.  So, the reality is that I cannot complain because the good far out-ways the bad in this instance.

Now onto the all-important stuff…

Let’s see, I’ve been on Twitter so much that I dream in Twitter.  I literally have dreams where I’m responding to situations by tweeting a message in 140 characters or less.  It’s like a drug except that it doesn’t cause tooth loss.  The weight loss, sleeplessness, and paranoia are minor side effects that should simply be ignored due to the overwhelming good that Twitter can bring to one’s life.

I’ll admit that there are some real “ass-hats” (thanks Sammy25) out there that think they’re suddenly ‘Twitterstars’ or ‘Twelebrities’ (whichever floats your boat) and they’re really nothing more than hot-air filled pompous boneheads that like to hear themselves talk…except now they can see themselves talk.  But that’s what makes the Twitter experience what it is.  Can I hear a “block, block”?

I’m all about the visuals since I’m in the multimedia business and I thought that for every major point I discuss in this post, I’ll give you some visuals and some audio thrown in to keep it interesting.

For all of you that think us tweeters are crazy…here’s your proof that you’re only partially right.  If it wasn’t for our being crazy, who would entertain you?

Which now leads me to what I think should be the anthem (song) for all of us in the twitterdom on the pilgramage to the promised twitterverse…Don’t judge me!

Oh, I’m not even close to being finished…then there’s Facebook……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Sorry, I must’ve drifted off post while I was updating my Facebook status.

You know what?  I’ll save my ‘Facebookapades’ for another post.  In the meantime…one more good piece of media.  I’m completely addicted to this somewhat recent remix of an old favorite – “Silence (Niels Van Gogh Vs. Thomas Gold Mix 2008)” by Delirium featuring Sarah Mclachlan.  It’s been on repeat the entire time I’ve been writing this post and between my tweets, status updates, pings, diggs, stumbleupons, flocks, this blog and the damn beats – it’s time for me to bid you farewell until tomorrow for which I’m scheduled to write yet another post right before my nail appointment.  I’m having them optimized for enhanced keyboard use.

April 9, 2009 Posted by | Funny, Life In General | , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 5 Comments

A statement about the state of the nation…

I reluctantly watched the state of the nation last night and was actually very moved.  I was reluctant because for whatever reasons, I’ve got a complete and almost paralyzing fear of what will happen if President Obama ends up doing what most other politicians doing – making a lot of promises and not delivering.

My mistake was watching the address on the CNN/Facebook collaboration.  What I observed was interesting however.  There were obviously a lot of supporters, but there were still those disgusting jerks who had to make their hateful comments about Dems and their fellow countrymen as though they could do a better job if they were in office.

I learned something again though before I get to my favorite parts…I learned that people that project negativity do so, because they hate something in themselves.  I’m no exception…I’ve been known to harshly criticize someone or something, only to realize that I exhibit the same trait and really only hate that about myself.

So, no more listening to the assholes, defintely no support of Fox or anything Rupert Murdoch because they’re just too angry, and no more taking personally the words of people that are completely insecure with themselves.

Now, onto the highlights…

nancy-pelosiFirst, I don’t know Nancy Pelosi personally so I cannot talk about her as though I do, but I had motion sickness from all of her standing up and clapping.  Nothing wrong with showing support, but talk about giving new meaning to being a jack-in-the box.  Nancy, if you ever get the chance to read this, please wisely choose your standing points next time ok?

Some of the lines that I absolutely loved and remembered mostly because I do believe that if we all work at it, we can accomplish some very amazing things here:

“Take responsibility for our future once more”

“The most valuable skill you can sell is your knowledge”

“We cannot afford to govern out of anger or the politics of the moment”

“It’s not about helping banks, it’s about helping people”

“Dropping out of school is dropping out on your country”

“For seven years we have been a nation of war – no longer shall we hide the price”

I’m hopeful, to say the least – hopeful that we can make some great strides as a country and get over the petty in-fighting to truly be the United States of America.

Let’s see how the movie plays…

February 25, 2009 Posted by | Life In General, Politics | , , , , , , , , , , | 10 Comments

Why I love social media

This week has been active to say the least.  But in a good way.  I have to admit that I’ve learned so much in the span of 5 days that I don’t even know what to do with all of it.

I made a conscious decision to be more in tune with all of the social media avenues that I participate in and it has actually netted some results that show some promise.

First on my list, blogs of course.  It’s really strange to me how you can honestly forge relationships with people that you’ve never met, save for a daily dose of what’s going on in their world via their blog.  I haven’t been as diligent with this one as I was prior to the holidays and you know what?  My ‘blog buddies’ let me know.  How cool is that?

I even got a blog award from The Good the Bad and the Ugly to which I promptly replied, followed the rules and paid it forward to some other bloggers I truly appreciate (see the post before this one).  So here’s the kicker…I think I’ve figured out what to do for my business blogs to make them interesting.  Didn’t know that was possible until this week.

Second on my list – Facebook.  I have reconnected with some of my old US Airways friends from back in the day when I was a flight attendant for them.  It’s been so fun getting back in touch, finding out what’s going on their worlds and sharing what’s been going on in mine.  To all my ‘blog buddies’ out there.  If we haven’t connected on Facebook, send me a message and I’ll add you as a friend.

Third on my list, and probably the most interesting for me – Twitter.  I’ve always kind of held onto a little thought that as time progresses, we’re getting a little over-connected, but a single event changed that for me yesterday.  I flew for US Airways as a flight attendant for quite awhile and gave it up in 2003.  People that have never worked in the airline industry probably aren’t aware that it never leaves your blood.  I think about it – ALOT.  So, when I got my first ‘tweet’ yesterday and subsequent Facebook status update that US Airways flt 1549 had crashed, I got that instant sinking feeling and set out to find out what I could.

Here’s the cool part about it.  Before I ever got to the television, I had already received 3-4 ‘tweets’ from former flying mates about who was on the crew, that nobody was killed, and that everyone was going to be ok.  That is incredible to me!  I sometimes wonder how we made it through life before without the connection.  People can criticize all they want about it promoting laziness and being cold and whatever other negative connotations they’ve associated, but I went from an immediate feeling of sadness and worry to elation in under 5 minutes and that’s something CNN has never done for me.

So, if you’re interested in ‘tweeting’ with me or connecting on Facebook, send me a message.

January 16, 2009 Posted by | Life In General | , , , , , , , | 4 Comments